
A bit of an insight into my world...

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Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom

little odd, little funky (apparently), just a little me.

Friday, August 29, 2008


I'm actually doing some!! I'm trying socks...struggled with the whole how to start thing, but I think I might be getting the hang of it... This is what I've done so far:

Its a lovelywool that I got on my adventure to Solihull John Lewis last weekend
:Regia 4ply
i bought the wool and needles at the same time, and the needles have awesome little hats in the shape of socks!

I'm very proud!

Off to my parents to look after my sister for the weekend tonight, so thats another hour and a half each way of knitting, and the time i'm there!

I'm determined to get these finished for 6th Sepetmeber, or at least one of them, for the I Knit day

Work must be done...

Monday, August 25, 2008


We got home on Friday to a new arrival...
She was in the front path, so obviously stopped to pet and admire her gorgeous-ness! She then followed us into the house, and hasn't left since, even when all the front doors have been open etc.
She seems to have made herself at home...didn't even get offthe sofa when we went to a gig last night!

I am of course going to put ads up in the local newsagents and the such, but her timing is very good, with Allan moving out next week.
Her name, if she stays here, is Miss Kitty Fantastico...after the kitten in Buffy The Vampire Slayer that belonged to Willow and Tara. How sad is that!??

On the knitting front, we went on an adventure to Solihull John Lewis yesterday to find DPN's for my first venturing into the world of Sock Knitting, in preperation for going to see Stephanie Pearl-Mcphee on 6th September. I'm awfully excited!!:~)

Right, kitty found posters to be made...