
A bit of an insight into my world...

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Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom

little odd, little funky (apparently), just a little me.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Post Christmas Stuff

Sleeping has made up a major part of the last few days.
Yesterday I spent the entire day in bed sleeping and reading - blissful! I don't get to lie in at home because Kitty comes and pesters me for food and attention at the very latest 8am, so I'm taking full advantage of being away!

Christmas was lovely, and I got some fab presents, both handmade and bought, practical and beautiful.
I left my camera at home (sillyme!) so no pictures, but maybe when I head home in the next few days.
It is lovely to be here and see my Christmas-Family again, and it takes away a lot of my stresses and strains - fab :)

Everytime I come here, or sometimes even think about here (Powys, in mid-Wales), I consider moving. It's such a lovely bit of the country, and I think it was recently voted the happiest place to live, or something similar.
I would love to move away from the city and be nearer the countryside, and the way of life that I get to sample every year. I know that the sample I get isn't a true indicator of life down here, but I still fancy it everytime. This year I've looked for jobs, and am (stupidly you may say) debating applying for one that sounds really interesting and similar to things I've done - and enjoyed - before.
The downside would of course be leaving all my friends behind, and I can never decide if that's to much to leave behind, to sacrifice.
I go through this most years, but this year I seem to be thinking a bit more seriously, I'm not sure why.
I really must get out of bed and have a wander down to the town, get some fresh air etc.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Finished Objects Oh My!

Picture Heavy Post, Sorry!

I finished things hurrah!
Dad's scarf:

It was going to be a no-purl keyhole scarf, but I ended up making the pattern up as I went.
It a mixture of two colours of Patons and Rowan Cashsoft and after blocking it came out quite nice I think!

Mum's scarf

Very simple, garter stitch edge then stocking stitch, but it shows off the yarn quite well I think. The yarn is some odd pink stuff I've had in my stash a long time, and Colinette Point Five in Florentina.
I like it, and again, fingers crossed my Mum does too.

The fingerless mittens for my sister didn't go so well. I finished one, but the the kitchener stitch-ing on it made it not very stretchy, so I've given her it and an IOU for a proper pair!

Just spent the weekend at my parents house, was lovely, although it was only supposed to be a day visit yesterday! There was a big accident on the M1, so I was at a standstill for about 40 minutes, but it wasn't that bad. I can't find it anywhere on the web, so I don't know what happened.

I am in the process of making a revised Christmas Knitting (and everything else) plan as I have a few more things to knit, and then I'm off to my Christmas Family on tuesday afternoon :~)

Busy few days to go, then some time to chill and read!

Friday, December 19, 2008

What do I do with the cat?!

I'm not sure what to do with the cat over christmas...
She'd be fine here, I guess, but she'd be on her own for maybe 3/4 days, and I can get friends to come feed her etc, but I have an uneasyness about it - I'm not sure why. I've not left her fro more than 2 nights before, and I guess I'm worried about her getting lonely.
My Christmas Family have cats, but they also have a dog and I'm not sure if I can even think about taking her with me.
She can't go into a cattery, its way to expensive, plus she's old and isn't up to date with her vaccines etc so they wouldn't take her even if I could afford it.
She could possibly go with Allan, but she's not really his cat, so it's not that fair. If she goes somewhere/with me, what if she pees all over the place?!But she might do that here anyway, being on her own for ages.

Dang it I don't know what to do!

Christmas Plan

So, I tried taking a leaf out of The Yarn Harlot's book and get a schedule so I know what I'm doing with mmy Christmas knitting. Great Idea you'd think? Goals and the such to keep me on track?
Well, it means I know now that I am about a day and a half behind :~0
I have about three hours to do on my dad's scarf, a second mitten to match the one already made for my sister (although I still have to sew that up/kitchener stitch it - scary!) and I need to make my mum's scarf, from tomorrow morning... oh, aswell as the presents for other people.
Gads, I'm cutting it fine!

In other news I have discovered I have an allergy to Blueberries - an experience involving a smoothie and a swollen lip...although apparently sperm-donor-father-guy has an allergy to another sort of berry, so I'm thinking its another great inherited trait! What an odd thing to be allergic to though ey?

Last weekend was my mum's side of the family's christmas gathering - we had chilli, curry (with sprouts in - euch!), potato bake and various veggies etc. It was a lovely day, and Jordan (surragote brother type member of the family) has an awesome ukelelee :-)

I also made a birthday cake for my friends daughters 6th birthday -I was quite pleased with how it turned out :)

Must Knit...

Monday, December 15, 2008


I am at home in bed after a weekend at my parents, with the cat curled up next to me.
She has her paw on my forearm, and everytime I move she wakes up and puts her paw back, then falls right back to sleep - adorable.

Lots to catch up on, including - shock horror - knitting, kitty, allergies and awesome ukelele's...
