Post Christmas Stuff
Sleeping has made up a major part of the last few days.
Yesterday I spent the entire day in bed sleeping and reading - blissful! I don't get to lie in at home because Kitty comes and pesters me for food and attention at the very latest 8am, so I'm taking full advantage of being away!
Christmas was lovely, and I got some fab presents, both handmade and bought, practical and beautiful.
I left my camera at home (sillyme!) so no pictures, but maybe when I head home in the next few days.
It is lovely to be here and see my Christmas-Family again, and it takes away a lot of my stresses and strains - fab :)
Everytime I come here, or sometimes even think about here (Powys, in mid-Wales), I consider moving. It's such a lovely bit of the country, and I think it was recently voted the happiest place to live, or something similar.
I would love to move away from the city and be nearer the countryside, and the way of life that I get to sample every year. I know that the sample I get isn't a true indicator of life down here, but I still fancy it everytime. This year I've looked for jobs, and am (stupidly you may say) debating applying for one that sounds really interesting and similar to things I've done - and enjoyed - before.
The downside would of course be leaving all my friends behind, and I can never decide if that's to much to leave behind, to sacrifice.
I go through this most years, but this year I seem to be thinking a bit more seriously, I'm not sure why.
I really must get out of bed and have a wander down to the town, get some fresh air etc.
Yesterday I spent the entire day in bed sleeping and reading - blissful! I don't get to lie in at home because Kitty comes and pesters me for food and attention at the very latest 8am, so I'm taking full advantage of being away!
Christmas was lovely, and I got some fab presents, both handmade and bought, practical and beautiful.
I left my camera at home (sillyme!) so no pictures, but maybe when I head home in the next few days.
It is lovely to be here and see my Christmas-Family again, and it takes away a lot of my stresses and strains - fab :)
Everytime I come here, or sometimes even think about here (Powys, in mid-Wales), I consider moving. It's such a lovely bit of the country, and I think it was recently voted the happiest place to live, or something similar.
I would love to move away from the city and be nearer the countryside, and the way of life that I get to sample every year. I know that the sample I get isn't a true indicator of life down here, but I still fancy it everytime. This year I've looked for jobs, and am (stupidly you may say) debating applying for one that sounds really interesting and similar to things I've done - and enjoyed - before.
The downside would of course be leaving all my friends behind, and I can never decide if that's to much to leave behind, to sacrifice.
I go through this most years, but this year I seem to be thinking a bit more seriously, I'm not sure why.
I really must get out of bed and have a wander down to the town, get some fresh air etc.