
A bit of an insight into my world...

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Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom

little odd, little funky (apparently), just a little me.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


That would be me!

I finally ahve all the furniture where it should be, but it's covered in boxes and bags and random crap I've accumulated!
A lot of it is craft orientated, so I'm loath to get rid of it, but really need to streamline...decisions decisions!

We are painting the kitchen this weekend. It's currently bright yellow, with old old wallpaper that's coming off in a lot of places (like, its unstuck) SO, today is designated stripping day (!) and tomorrow is painting day.
I have a lot of red kitchen-y things, I like the whole fifties feel, so I think I'm going to go for a warm cream, and maybe paint the front of the cupboards, or the smallest wall in red. hhmmm...

In knitting news, I have cast on for a new a chunkier wool, so less stitches, more productive kind of thing...I'm hoping it will help me get my knitting mojo back. I really need to start christmas knitting - I've seen some really nice fingerless gloves which I might try - will eb good of me too coz I'm expecting to have to wrap up warm this winter with gas prices being so high!

Decorating mojo here I come!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Not Knitting...

Yeah, I've not really been knitting so much over the past few weeks, I've been going through a rough time (ex moving out and losing my job) and seem to have a distinct lack of energy.

I've turned the heel on my sock, which is great, and I really need to just sit and start knitting it again!

I'm supposed to be spending the day re-jigging the flat, after I got half way through last week and gave up, but I'm still in my pyjama's! Will definately get on with it though, as I'm collecting my new bed tonight! I currently sleep on a mattress on a futon (?!) but found a gorgeous bed on ebay, and won it - and two side tables - for £22! So I'm off to collect that later, so need to make room and the such...goals are good!

The doorbell rang about 10 minutes ago, with two women and a little child, trying to give me a copy of the latest Jehovah Witness magazine thingy...I did my usual, I'm a Quaker, and very strong in my fait as a Quaker, and the lead lady said, it's good that you have faith in the bible, and I coudl just see her going for a bit of speech, so kindly interrupted, and said, well, having faith in something, anything, is pretty much always a good thing. My indication that believing in a religious book that's not the bible seemed to shock her, she moved quickly onto adoring the cat (who tried to make a quick escape!) It's always interesting to see what reactions you get when you tell people you're a Quaker...

Must tidy...

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Monday, September 08, 2008

Well my goodness me...

...What a good weekend!

(Sorry about the delay in posting this - allsorts has got in the way, and I don't have a lot of the photos that I want to post, but hopefully I'll be able to get them soon and I'll edit this to make it a full account of the day)

Got to London on Friday afternoon, later than I'd planned, for a change! I knit on the train down, and got this far on the sock:

So, pretty much to the heel flap, which I decided I was going to do in the quiet as the Yarn Harlot suggests.

Went out for a meal with some Ravelry folk, at Meza, which although lovely was not good for veggies, people wanting good service, are on a budget or people who don't hear very well - and I tick all boxes! in the end shared some of their 'little' dishes with a fellow raveler and it was good.

Saturday, the big day, did not overall dissapoint!

Got to the venue at about 12 - an hour after I planned due to the tube being stuck because someone pulled the emergency cord on the train in front at Victoria.

Went to lunch at the Slug and lettuce, which was lovely - open mushroom burger with cheese on top and tzatziki and lovely chips.

Got back in time to see the end of the fashion show of Vintage Knits - some very cool things, including a knitting bathing suit:

Which although great, would surely fall down?!? :~)

Other lovelies included:

After that we went over to Lindley Hall to see the Yarn Harlot! Got outside having checked my bag and coat in, to find it absolutely chucking it down, with a small umbrella between two!

Got in after not that long a wait, but with a soaked through sleeve and back, to find it like this:

We managed to find seats quite far in front, to the left, which was good...

I got a picture of Stephanie taking the infamous sock picture...twice!

She spoke about a lot of things, the thread intertwining it all being the way that knitters are misunderstood by well, non-knitters.
There was also some great stuff about research and how knitters use more of their brain - allsorts of funky stuff, that I won't write all about in case you get a chance to hear her.

After that I had a wander round, and bought some gorgeous orange yarn from socktupus, and some giant yarn and giant needles, and had two books signed by the YH, and had my photo taken with my sock, and with Stephanie holding my sock, and her holding mine! it was AWESOME!!

I don't havethe photos right now, becasue their on a memory card that's at my old work and I'm trying to get back...but yeah, awesome!!

Friday, September 05, 2008

I'm off to London to visit the Queen...

I'm off to London to visit the queen...of Knitting, that is.

Its very exciting, and I'm very excited, and also running late - have to leave in forty minutes and haven't packed, sorted out which knitting to take or any of those slightly useful things...eep...

Going to dinner with some Ravelry people tonight which is cool.

Its tipping it down so my plan to wear my jeans all weekend could be complicated, I'm sure I'll figure something out!

*squee* London here I come...somebody warn it hey?!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Many Pictures...
Progress as of this morning after knitting on the bus!
Heel to be done tonight, as didn't get a chance yesterday.
Srah (kitty owner) came over last night, and becasue of the problems with another of her cat, I get to keep Kitty! :~) There was a lot of bouncing and hugging and smiling etc to celebrate!
I entitled myself - Proud Keeper of Kitty!
Feel quite ill today, think I may have the remainders of the bug my mums got...lets hope I fell better for Friday/Saturday:~S
Only two more days of work left before a 3 day weekend :~)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

bathrooms cats and socks

Kitty likes the bathroom...

She now has a fascination with the water in the loo and sink...she sits on the side of the loo with her head down looking at the rim and all the water, this morning she was on teh side of the sink watching the bubbles as I had a shower! Odd Cat!
Her owner contacted us, and came over last night. Kittys not a kitten at all, shes 9/10 years old, and according to the photos used to be a barrel fat cat!! Kitty (otherwise known as Ziggy) does not get on with one of the owners other cats, who has come out of its shell since Kitty/Ziggy there's a chance I get to keep her! :~) Her owners coming over tonight, so *fingers crossed*

In other knitting related news, I've got to the heel on my first sock...I'm planning on tackling it tonight with no distractions...

This is it on friday when i went to my parents...i screwed up the ribbing somewhat royally, but I've carried on anyway, I want my first sock by saturday!!

Am very excited about IKnit day, A whole day of knitting and not getting funny looks for randomly knitting!!:~)


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